heka and bitch start crying already so this ends^^
and logo stuff... HERO fuck the others damn it xD... hero looks awsome..no one had it before and if we are the first one that USES it (if copy from a side or not) we can still say the others took it from us if they use the same....
and wings and shit are overused..
AngelWings (wich their asses getting raped by Silk_Knights next week <33)
only 2 guilds..maybe.. but with their whole union together its 16 guilds that used that...
Bitchy...link the side so everyone can look at all ideas and can POST their favorit logo...
then i make a proll where we can tell which one we like the most (maybe others ideas are better then yours) and then the winner gets into sro- Zeus- Wazzup xD... think thats the best idea how to deal with it